Safari Friends: Summaries

All messages on a topic are from the above dead Yahoo Group original message database. The message topic can be downloaded and viewed in any pdf viewer. The topics extracted are based on keywords in the subject.

The advantage of downloading the messages in a pdf file is that you may use the file off-line, on a cell phone, laptop, tablet without an internet connection. This is very useful if you are working on a problem and want to see specifics of what others have found. Additionally it is searchable and will take you directly to the message you are interested it. All the message topics are listed at the top of the file, followed by each message in order of its message number.

The beginning of the PDF has a summary of each message, within that header is the Subject, Author, Date and message number If you want to go directly to a specific message enter ‘cntrl F’, that is hold the control key down and push F to get to the search bar on a PC, this would be ‘CMD F’ on a Mac, or click on the search function on a tablet or phone…. then enter the message number in the ‘Find’ field and click next. Now this is using Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) and may/will be different for other pdf readers.

This is a simple way to index into what may be several hundred posts over the past 20 years.

Please post a comment if there is a topic you require that is not yet posted.

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