All posts by admin

2019-11-08, Racor Fuel System Upgrade – part 2/3

This is part 2 of the 3 part presentation on upgrading the Racor Winn fuel system to the new 790R30 filter system. This section deal with the Golden-Rod filter addition that is before the Racor filter. I added a T connection to the Racor Filter output line to add a vacuum gauge. An alternative would be to use the opposite/redundant output port on the Racor Filter and plumb that for the gauge. Racor makes remote sensors for checking the state of the filter but they are almost as expensive as the filter unit so I used a gauge. At the end of the narrative there is a 6 min video showing the filter in static and with the engine running with an explanation of the operation.

The presentation is best viewed in full screen mode if you want to clearly see the text detail and bubbles in the fuel. The bubbles are easily seen on a desktop computer, but even on a cell phone you can expand the display if you wish.

In part 3 I will list all the fittings and components for those that are interested.

2019-11-03 Racor Filter Upgrade

The original fuel filtration system was a Racor/Winn 200200 which was known to have air leaks. Air leaks into the injection system can potentially contribute to failures of the injectors which are very expensive to replace. This is the first part of three in upgrading the original system to a new design. This changes adds a pre-filter to the fuel system for visible monitoring of air leaks and the ability to see debris in the fuel. The additional filter has a number of possible filter canisters, from a 170 micron down to a 17 micron filter with a water separator. The filter as bought has a 17 micron water filter

2019-10-20, Yahoo Groups – SafariMotorHomes, archived

I have downloaded all the ‘SafariMotorHomes’ messages files, photos, links and messages to an archive. Some explanation is necessary.

I am posting the following information on the SafariMotorHomes forum that I was not previously part of. Had I known of its existence I would have joined earlier. However now due to the arbitrary and self serving decision by Yahoo to terminate all the Groups systems, it was brought to my attention that this site as well as the SafariFriends site had the possibility of loosing their site content. Others may have stepped in and had another solution, but since I wasn’t aware of a pending solution I have downloaded and archived both Safari Groups sites content.

I will list the link below to retrieve the SafariMotorHomes files, photos, links (content embedded in the posts usually) and database with all the messages. To reiterate what I posted before via my site, the messages can be accessed offline on a PC by using the program PGOffline. This is a program that we have been given a discounted price of $14.95. I do not receive any money, free licenses or any remuneration for anyone buying the program. I don’t know the author, this is just a solution I found that works well. I don’t have a solution for a MAC or handheld devices like cell phones, but what I think could be done is to export the messages as a CSV file and then import them into an Excel like program. (I have not tried this but just have noted that this export is possible).

You don’t need the program to access the files, and photos, you only need the program to search and print the group messages. I put together a presentation on how to use the program a few days ago and that link will also be in this post. The link is a zip file of files, photos and links. The database file of the messages is separate. You must unzip the file to get to the folders of the above. I am assuming this will not be a problem, but if you need help you can ask on my site comment and I will try to help.

Now that the database, and all other data is preserved the same can be moved to another hosting system. I can also export the messages in SQL form if that is a requirement of the hosting service. Many hosting systems offer free migration tools. But I leave that to those that will set up the subsequent forum, if any.

One last note is that due to the nature of how I gathered the data, both forums are in the same database. That is the messages groups are separate but can be searched across both groups. So as far as I understand you could look for “3126B” and find all messages from SafariFriends and SafariMotorHomes. Since I recognize a number of the same people posting at both site I will assume this is not an issue.


Message Database:

Previous Post: These links are for the SafariFriends site but the presentation is relevant to both sites. I will update the databases after it is closed down by Yahoo on 2019-10-28

2019-10-19, Yahoo Termination – Update

I have included the links below to download all the messages, files, and photos that are on the current SafariFriends Yahoo forum. These files are as of 2019-10-18. The links have been extended to be valid for the next 5 years. This is on the Amazon S3 site so there is very little chance of this going away.

For how to use the messages with a software program off-line look for the presentation on the same under the menus of this site. I will also make a presentation on how to use the files and photos with the PGOffline software in the very near future. However you do not need this software to access the files, just download from the links. The software makes searching for content easier.




2019-10-18 Yahoo Termination

The presentation on downloading the Yahoo Groups – Safari Friends database into the software system PGOffline has been updated. This presentation was made on a Windows PC and as such had a large screen layout. Then I realized that people with a cell phone would have difficulty following the presentation. Therefore the presentation has been refocused to allow everyone to see the critical parts on any device. Also parts of the audio presentation have been clarified and re-synchronized with the visual presentation.

Additionally it is noted on the screen, that the price of the software is $10, but only if we get 200 subscriptions. I missed that salient point on first reading the post from the author. This is a reasonable requirement but I am not sure how that will be implemented given we don’t have any group purchasing plan for anything. So…. it is up to those that consider the information to be of value, whether to spend the full price of $24.95 or wait for a subsequent site to evolve, or find another alternative or find a way to buy 200 licenses. The main objective has been realized which was to save all 19 years of postings. These can now be easily moved to the next site by the current moderator or whoever chooses to take on the next role.

2019-10-04 Bay Door Struct Modifications

Almost all of my gas struts holding the bay doors open have failed and fall down. Replacing them is easy if cost were not a problem. But given that the cost was in the hundreds of dollars I used less a expensive modification. The presentation shows how to retain the strut function and hold the door open safely with very little cost and work. It can be done per door in minutes.

2019-10-03, Updated echo charger and House Solenoid Replacement

I have redone this presentation and increased the embedded text font from 14 to 28 on the text descriptions overlaying the images. I had overlooked that many people use their cell phones to view the presentations, and while they looked ok on a PC monitor they were unreadable on a cell phone. If this is still to small please let me know. It is difficult to get all the text and have the image clear as well but there are some other methods I can try if this is still a problem.

What also works on my phone (Samsung Note 8), is to pause the video at the image you want to see, then expand the image using the standard gesture method… which is to use two fingers moving from closed to apart. The text is then easily readable.