2019-01-23, Site changes

The magnifier is now working. The structure of the site is set with a few minor improvements to be added. You can now link to the final project by hovering over the round purple dot then move up to the link shown and click to go to the next level. Or you can navigate by the menus or by the navigator on the right.

Now more of the effort can be put into the various project rather than the creation of the site and getting the architecture working. There is what is sold as easy, and simple to setup and then there is the reality of what it takes to actually do the work. There is a big disconnect between these two positions, in my experience.

The next presentation created will be on the Fail to Start problem that I had on the 3126B Cat Engine, and 2000 Safari Continental. Some of my work may help others, and the areas that I wasted a lot of time due to oversight can be quickly stepped around in the troubleshooting steps by others.

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